August Newsletter

During the month of August, our leadership traveled to Kenya, to attend the Agape Fellowship Leadership Summit. The Summit was attended by 363 leaders, representing 58 different Agape churches. During this time, pastors were able to spend time together, and be ministered to, all while receiving fresh vision for their church’s future.

July Newsletter

This past month we were honored to welcome Bishop Evans Achanga and Pastor Simon Wesanza, from Kenya. These Agape leaders came together with thousands of pastors, from all over the world, to attend the Grow Leader Conference, hosted by Church of the Highlands.

June Newsletter

We are excited to share with you some of what happened in June at Foundations for Hope! Last month, we shared that our team was preparing to travel to Kenya, with 24 college students and leaders. This team had big plans, and great hope, for all that would be accomplished on this trip, and the Lord exceeded them all!

May Newsletter

Many of us have recently celebrated students, and this month students are a big part of what is going on at Foundations for Hope. This week, our team is traveling to Kenya, with 24 college students and leaders!

April Newsletter

It’s official, the Second Annual Foundations for Hope 5K will be held Saturday, October 7, 2023! Last year this event was a huge success, providing a way for families and friends to come together to make an eternal impact for the Kingdom!

March Newsletter

This month we are excited to introduce to you Peter Mugodo Keseko! Peter has joined the Foundations For Hope family as National Director in Kenya. Peter will work to oversee operations and evaluate needs within our East Africa Program. Peter is a born-again Christian, husband to Everlyne, and father of four beautiful children.

February Newsletter

This month, twelve men from three separate states, traveled to Timale, Kenya, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our team served, alongside 48 Agape Fellowship members, to bring medical care, water, and The Word!

January Newsletter

This year is off to an amazing start, and we are grateful for the many ways we see God moving at Foundations for Hope, both in the efforts of our partners, and in the lives of the people we serve! This month, the first freshwater well of the year, in Asilong, Kenya, was opened. A friend who was in Asilong serving as the well was opened commented.

December Newsletter

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas enjoying time with loved ones and celebrating the miracle that is the birth of Jesus. As the year comes to a close and we anticipate all that is to come in 2023, we want to praise our Lord and reflect on all God has accomplished through Foundations for Hope.

November Newsletter

We hope you had a restful Thanksgiving and time well spent with family and friends. This year, we are thankful for our ministry partners, donors, volunteers, and all who are a part of F4H. We feel especially blessed with the opportunities God has provided us to take part in the Great Commission and we are excited to share this month’s updates with you.

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