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May Newsletter

We’ve had some exciting changes here at F4H. Two new board members have joined our team! Before we introduce them, we want to give a big thank you to our members who have finished out their time on the board, Eddie Lambert and Thomas Goodwin. They have served faithfully and we are so thankful for them! Our newest board members are Marty Adams and Jeff Gardner. They are so excited to join us in our mission of advancing the gospel and we can’t wait to see how God uses their unique gifts and passions to do just that. 

Agape Fellowship Center—Kenya

God is already on the move in West Pokot, Kenya, where we will be joining AFC on a mission trip in July. The drill team was successful in drilling for water and will soon install the well pump. This new well will provide clean water and allow us to complete a church plant in the area! Thank you for your prayers for West Pokot and praise God for his faithfulness!

MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITY! F4H will be traveling with a mission team to West Pokot, Kenya to partner with AFC. Once we arrive, we will be planting a church and dedicating a clean water well. The trip dates are July 9th-19th, 2022. Stay tuned for more details! If you would like information on traveling with us, or how you can help, please contact either Matt ([email protected], 205-243-9837) or Randy (randy@foundations4hope, 205-427-3635).

Current Needs:

  • Pray for the upcoming mission trip, the people who will go on the trip, and the community of West Pokot. Specifically, many people in West Pokot are very sick and many women are experiencing miscarriages. Pray for healing.
  • Bishop Evans will be sharing the Gospel at several upcoming youth conferences. Pray for his travels and for students to transformed by the love of Christ.

The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti

The school year is finishing up at the Vine, and students and teachers will have a well deserved summer break. We are incredibly thankful that God has allowed these kids to receive a quality education and nutritious meals each day. Pray for wisdom as we make plans for next year!

The Vine is in need of funding for the nutrition program for the remainder of the school year. We would love for you to consider giving. Click the button below to learn more and donate!

Current Needs: 

  • Pray as we continue to explore solutions for outgrowing our current building space at the Vine. We are praying for and trusting in the Lord’s timing and plans, knowing that His way is always best. 
  • Pray for healing for Kendson’n’s father, who is struggling with health issues. 

The Christian Resource Center—Ngora, Uganda

Construction plans are continuing to progress at the Christian Resource Center. We have started meeting with contractors and God is continuing to make the CRC a reality! Martin is also working on establishing programming and curriculum. Pray for the future pastors and disciple-makers who will be learning in this facility! 

Current Needs: 

  • Pray for Martin as he completes his interview for a U.S. visa on June 7th.
  • Pray the Lord will help us identify the right person to lead construction on the Christian Resource Center.

The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

We would love for you to join our prayer network in praying over specific needs in our ministries each week! Click the link below to sign up for our weekly prayer newsletter that includes a prayer list that can be printed out and placed on your desk or fridge.

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Donation Total: $1,000.00