April is a special month in the life of believers as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior on Easter. He has defeated death, wiped us clean from sin, and brought us into eternal life with Him!
When Jesus was on the cross, he said “It is finished” and then he “bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:30). The work of salvation was completed on the cross. There is nothing for us to add to it. We now live in obedience and service to the Lord because of what he’s already done, not because it can save us. May this truth free you to serve the Lord with joy and gladness, knowing that life is for Him and about Him, because He was willing to die for us.
“Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
~Romans 6:8-11
Agape Fellowship Center—Kenya
AFC held several ministry events for Easter including ministering to prisoners and bringing food to families in West Pokot. We are so excited and thankful to report that needs were met, and the Gospel was shared!
MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITY! F4H will be traveling with a mission team to West Pokot, Kenya to partner with AFC. Once we arrive, we will be planting a church and dedicating a clean water well. The trip dates are July 9th-19th, 2022. Stay tuned for more details! If you would like information on traveling with us, or how you can help, please contact either Matt ([email protected], 205-243-9837) or Randy (randy@foundations4hope, 205-427-3635).

Current Needs:
- Pray for the upcoming mission trip, the people who will go on the trip, and the community of West Pokot. Specifically, many people in West Pokot are very sick and many women are experiencing miscarriages. Pray for healing.
- Pray for the people in prison who were visited by members of AFC. Pray that they would respond to the Gospel.
- Pray for continued progress on the AFC pastors’ database. We hope to launch a pilot program this summer.
The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti
The Vine has started their last term for the school year. We are so proud of the students and their progress this year! They have learned skills and knowledge that will help them uplift their communities and one day pursue great career opportunities. More importantly, they have received the spiritual growth and knowledge of Jesus to truly change Haiti for the glory of God.
The Vine is in need of funding for the nutrition program for the remainder of the school year. We would love for you to consider giving. Click the button below to learn more and donate!

Current Needs:
- Pray as we continue to explore solutions for outgrowing our current building space at the Vine. We are praying for and trusting in the Lord’s timing and plans, knowing that His way is always best.
- Kendson’n and his family will be traveling to the U.S. in late summer/early fall and we cannot wait to visit with them! Kendson’s son, Kadoo, has been submitted for a visa in order for him to travel to the States. Pray for a smooth and expedited process.
The Christian Resource Center—Ngora, Uganda
We have had several meetings with the CRC team in Uganda this month and have made so much progress! We are finalizing building drawings and will soon work on receiving bids from contractors. We are so thankful for all your prayers as the Lord continues to make the CRC a reality!
Martin will also be visiting the US this summer and we are so excited to visit with him!

Current Needs:
- Pray for healing for Martin’s son, John, who has been diagnosed with asthma and is working to identify specific causes.
- Pray the Lord will help us identify the right person to lead construction on the Christian Resource Center.
The F4H Team