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July Newsletter

Our mission team has arrived home safely after an incredible trip to Kenya. We are beyond excited to share that during their time in West Pokot, 161 people came to know Jesus! In addition to this miracle, 647 people were treated and provided medicine through the medical outreach, a new church was planted, and a fresh water well dedicated to the community. We are grateful for the lives that were changed and are praising God and giving Him all the glory.

“It brings me joy to know that everywhere the West Pokot people turned they heard or received the Love of Jesus. While they were visiting the well, being treated at the clinic, stopping by a crusade site, or attending the Sunday church launch, they heard and felt the Love of Christ. Thankful our God is Love!” 
-Randy Treglown, F4H

See below for some photos from the trip!

Agape Fellowship Center – Kenya

Current Needs:

  • Pray for protection and discipleship for the new believers in West Pokot.
  • Pray for the leadership of the new church in West Pokot. Pray that they would lead well, serve with joy, and that the love of Christ will sustain them.

The Vine School – Petit – Goave, Haiti

Kendson’n has been in the US this week fellowshipping with the F4H team, attending the quarterly board meeting, and meeting with potential church partners. The new school year at the Vine will be here before we know it, and it has been a joy to have Kendson’n here with us as we pray and plan. Join us in praying for a safe return trip!

Current Needs: 

  • Pray for the board as they work on planning and budgeting for the 22-23 school year.
  • Pray for the staff at the Vine for this coming school year. Pray that they would have a restful summer and come back ready to share the love of Jesus with students. 
  • Please continue to pray for the funding needs of the nutrition program.

The Christian Resource Center – Ngora, Uganda

During the month of July, Martin has travelled to Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Uganda to encourage and train church leaders and provide resources for them. He will soon be traveling to Malawi for the opening of a new church and training center. We are thankful for the much needed work of equipping and training new Christian leaders in Africa.

Current Needs: 

  • Pray the Lord will help continue to guide us through the process of construction on the Christian Resource Center.
  • Pray for the people of the Karamoja region in Uganda, our partners serving there, and those burdened to help. This area is currently experiencing severe famine resulting in widespread sickness and death. We are praying for relief and provision and that the Lord’s love would be made known in this place. 

The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

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