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March Newsletter

As we celebrate Easter Week, we remember the miracle of the cross, the forgiveness, healing, and freedom found there, and the salvation it offers. A gift, freely offered to each of us, was purchased at the highest cost.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16

This month, Life in Christ Church Marion traveled with us to Katalisha, Kenya, to work alongside Agape Fellowship Center. Throughout the week missionaries worked to share the love of God and the good news of our Savior Jesus. We saw two hundred souls accept the gift of forgiveness and salvation, professing Jesus as their Lord and Savior! As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate that the kingdom of heaven has grown, and these brothers and sisters have been added to it’s number.

We accept our salvation with a life surrendered, following the mandate Jesus gave us all after defeating death.

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15.

In addition to the miracle of these salvations, we were able to participate in baptisms, the dedication of a new church and freshwater well, and the gift of a pastor’s house. Medical treatment, prayer, worship, and evangelism were also provided throughout the week, with 1051 people receiving medical treatment. We thank our church partner, Life in Christ Church Marion, for not only their willingness to serve but their sponsorship of this village. Above all, we thank our God for the love that makes this possible and His willingness to allow us all to take part in His work.

Equipping Christian Leaders

During March, our U.S. Leadership, Agape Overseers, Agape Executive Council, and F4H East Africa Senior Management, participated in leadership training provided by Strathmore University. It is our belief that investing in leadership strengthens us all. We are grateful to the leaders who spent time in commitment to the goal of growing and becoming stronger together.

Construction continues on the new Jesus Harvesters Bible College. This month, framing was completed for the Library, Study, and Administration Buildings, and the framing of the roofs has begun. The Lecture Hall, Lecture Apartment Building, and Student Dormitory are also moving along, with sub-structures being completed and masonry work underway.

Thank you for your continued support of this work. May God bless you this upcoming month. 


F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

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