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January Newsletter

In true January fashion, this month we’ve been dreaming up new plans and ideas and praying with hopeful expectation for what God will do in 2022. Whether its what we plan or not, 2022 is going to be BIG for God’s glory, and we can’t wait to be a part of it!

Agape Fellowship Center—Kenya

BIG NEWS! We are excited to announce the F4H has fully funded the 2021 clean water wells and church plant fundraisers! Thank you to all our donors! Both F4H and Agape are eternally grateful. Through your donations, many will have access to clean water and the living water of salvation in Jesus!

Current Needs:

  • Pray for the Agape Fellowship Center council as they meet for their annual retreat in early February. The council will be meeting to plan for 2022 and look back at God’s work during the past year.
  • Pray for South Sudan, where there is great need for the Gospel. Agape hopes to visit this year to look into planting churches there.
  • Continued prayer for the opening of the Kimana orphanage and for smooth government processes and inspections. Pray for the house moms and orphans who will be living there.

The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti

After some much needed time off, the Vine School is back in session! We’re excited to announce that 97% of students passed their benchmark exams at the end of last semester! This semester will include a new student-led chapel service on the third Wednesday of each month. Students will be able to discover and use their unique gifts and talents to serve the Lord! We pray that students would be encouraged by these chapel services and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus.

Current Needs: 

  • The Vine has outgrown their current building space and needs somewhere to expand to. This is a good problem to have as we get to serve and love more students, but it has been difficult for Kendson’n to find another space. Please pray as he searches for properties that the Lord would provide the one He wants the Vine to use.
  • Two 4.1 magnitude earthquakes struck Petit Goave this week. We are thanking God that no one at the Vine was injured or affected. Please pray for those that were affected by the earthquakes and that the Lord would comfort and provide for them.

The Christian Resource Center—Ngora, Uganda

Since our last meeting, Martin and his wife Helen had gotten COVID but have since recovered. Praise the Lord!

We met with Martin and some of the other members of the local council to discuss legal documents and the leadership structure at the CRC. We are making progress towards the CRC becoming an official entity in Uganda! These steps may not seem as “spiritual” as other work we do, but we know God’s hand is in all of these processes and he works even tedious, ordinary tasks for his perfect purpose!

Current Needs: 

  • Pray for continued progress with funding and legal processes necessary for getting the center off the ground.
  • Pray for Martin as he finds board members for the CRC. Pray that the Lord would lead Martin to the right people and that he would already be moving in the hearts of these individuals and leading them to this role.

Before we go, we want to give one more big THANK YOU to everyone who gave to Foundations for Hope in 2021. Your generosity and faithful stewardship are gifts from the Lord, and we could not do this without you. We are so thankful!


The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

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