As we look back on the month of February it often makes us think of love.
When we think of love at F4H, we are reminded of Christ’s love for us: the redeeming, willing-to-die kind of love. May we praise Him for His unfailing love and continue to abide in Him. Our prayer is that you would be filled with the love of Christ and it would flow from you to your spouse, your children, coworkers, and every person you come in contact with.
Every meeting we have with our mission partners reminds us of this life-changing love of Jesus. Their words speak love and humility solely for the glory of Christ. Through the advancement of His kingdom they communicate His love at even greater volumes. We are excited to update you with all the work F4H has done with our partners last month!
A side note: Though not in our specific region of mission work, our hearts our heavily burdened for the Ukraine/Russia conflict. We ask that you join us in praying for peace, and together we remember this truth:
22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
-Lamentations 3:22-24
Join us in praying that the Spirit of the Lord will give Ukrainians this hope. We know our God is good, faithful, and strong.
Agape Fellowship Center—Kenya
Earlier this month, Agape Fellowship Center held a pastor graduation in West Pokot, Kenya! We are so excited for these graduates to go out into the field to share the love of Jesus and make disciples. Pastor education is a huge need in Africa, as many want to serve but do not have any formal training. We are overjoyed to see this progress in sound biblical education and the passion to make Jesus known!

Current Needs:
- Pray for AFC as they go through some restructuring of their national leadership team. Pray for wisdom and guidance in this process.
- Pray for the planning of a potential summer mission trip with F4H and Agape to plant a church and drill a borehole.
- Continued prayer for the opening of the Kimana orphanage and for smooth government processes and inspections. Pray for the house moms and orphans who will be living there.
The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti
Praise! Pre-K students have been registered for the 22-23 school year at the Vine. We are already praying for these sweet kids and that their journey of schooling at the Vine would be one of growth, learning, creativity, and loving Jesus more. Their two meals at school each day are provided by you, our wonderful donors. You are making an eternal impact on these children!

Current Needs:
- Pray as we continue to explore solutions for outgrowing our current building space at the Vine.
- Continue to pray for Haiti and the immense violence and insecurity Haitians experience on daily basis. Pray that Kendson’n and his family would be safe as they live in Port-au-Prince, a very dangerous city.
The Christian Resource Center—Ngora, Uganda
Our founders, Matt and Randy, are currently in Uganda visiting with Martin Odi and making progress on the Christian Resource Center! They will be in fellowship with Martin and his family, evaluating the build site, and meeting with several key contributors to construction and incorporation. We are so thankful for their opportunity to grow our relationship with Martin, his family, & community.

Current Needs:
- Safe travels and good fellowship for Matt and Randy.
- Pray for Matt as he preaches at Martin’s local church while they are visiting.
- Pray for smooth meetings with the lawyer, architect, and engineer. Pray for progress as we continue to work towards providing pastor education.
As always, we are so thankful for YOU–our F4H family!
The F4H Team
Volunteer Opportunity!
The Alabama Open is a Pickleball tournament held in Clay, AL where players from all over the country come to compete. This year, Foundations for Hope is a beneficiary of the tournament and will receive part of the proceeds. F4H will also have a booth where we share about our mission! But we need your help! Volunteers are needed to help with the tournament on April 1st-3rd. Click the button below to visit the Sign Up Genius and grab a spot! Descriptions of the volunteer positions needed are included at the link. Make sure to put “F4H” by your name when you sign up!