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February Newsletter

This month, twelve men from three separate states, traveled to Timale, Kenya, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our team served, alongside 48 Agape Fellowship members, to bring medical care, water, and The Word!
While in Timale, 1258 people were treated through a four-day medical clinic. Volunteers in the clinic reported people walking as far as ten miles one way to receive care. Through the clinic, each person not only received medical care and medicine, but heard the Gospel and received prayer. Through this clinic alone, 243 people gave their lives to Christ!

In addition to medical treatment, our teams were able to complete the construction of a freshwater well and dedicate it to the community. Before the well was opened, the nearest water was miles from the village, and even then, it was not a clean source of water. We cannot adequately put into words the life change that occurs when fresh water becomes available to a community for the first time.

As the physical needs of the people of Timale, were being met, teams also worked to meet the spiritual needs of the community. Evangelism teams visited homes throughout the week, and in the evening, crusades were held at the church site. During the crusades, the community was able to corporately worship and the Gospel was shared with those in attendance. Construction of a new church was ongoing throughout the week, and on the final Sunday of the trip, the church was dedicated, and a service was held! We believe the church in Timale, will impact many generations to come.

We have seen God move in some amazing ways, and are in awe of all that He has done. Not only are the lives of those served in Timale changed, but our lives are also forever changed. As we served and fellowshipped together, our community and family has grown, and we will never be the same! We are thankful to every man and woman who gave of themselves and their talents to serve the Lord.

We give all honor and glory to the King of Kings, for this past month, the advancement of the Gospel, and the impact it has made. If you have ever thought about being a part of one of our mission trips, or would like to serve at Foundations for Hope in other ways, we have many upcoming opportunities! For more information, email us at [email protected].

The F4H Team

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