This month we are excited to introduce to you Peter Mugodo Keseko! Peter has joined the Foundations For Hope family as National Director in Kenya. Peter will work to oversee operations and evaluate needs within our East Africa Program. Peter is a born-again Christian, husband to Everlyne, and father of four beautiful children.
Professionally, Peter will bring experience in program management, development, and implementation. His experience includes financial management, partnership oversight, monitoring and evaluation, and governmental relations. His leadership and expertise will be key as we work to implement the vision the Lord has given us for this region.
Prior to meeting with us, Peter felt the Lord was calling him into full-time ministry. He shared that after a discussion with his wife, he knew, “at the right time, God would make a way,” and so, together, they prayed for direction. Peter shared that Foundations For Hope was the result of those prayers, stating:
“Foundations For Hope is the answer to God’s call to serve Him more, and to this, I had no option but to say yes. I am now putting the right foot forward for this noble task”.
Indeed, we feel Peter has been an answer to prayer! We are excited to see all the ways God will use him in the work He has called us to. Please join us in praying for Peter and his family, as they enter this season, and continue to walk in obedience to the Lord.

The Vine School-Haiti
Next week, The Vine will host their first annual Easter Program and Celebration! This program will be an addition to the outreach opportunity that the Vine hosts at Christmas, for the families of The Vine students.
While the Christmas Program allows students an opportunity to share what they have learned about the gift of Christ’s birth, the Easter Program will provide an opportunity for the Gospel to be shared in light of Jesus’s sacrifice for us all.
The service will include fellowship, worship, and the opportunity to share God’s truth with the student’s families. At the end of the program, The Vine will host a Gospel-related projection movie event. We pray that through these efforts, people will accept the forgiveness, love, and salvation Christ offers.

Agape Fellowship Center-Kenya
In addition to The Vine’s Easter Program, our partners at Agape Fellowship, including the newest church plants, will hold services to celebrate our Lord and Savior this upcoming Easter Season. Please join us in praying for these services, and all who will attend!
Finally, we pray as people around the world gather to worship this Easter, you personally know Jesus as Lord and Savior. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. -John 3:16
The F4H Team