We want to thank you for helping to make this year the best yet. We have seen God move in amazing ways, and we give all honor and glory to Him for the people served, and the lives saved. As this year comes to a close, and we prepare for the new, we want to share what is new at Foundations for Hope.
Agape Fellowship-East Africa
In January, we will begin to launch another vital aspect of our East Africa Program in villages across Kenya. The Health and Sanitation Program works to educate individuals about the benefits of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to reduce and eliminate illnesses that commonly plague villages in East Africa.
As we enter a community to serve, we will implement The Health and Sanitation Program to educate the community on how using clean water can benefit their health. This program will inform the community about the benefits of clean drinking water, safe transportation and storage of water, how diseases spread, and the benefits of water for personal hygiene. In addition to education, systems will be implemented, and facilities will be constructed to reduce the spread of illness and disease using wash stations and latrines.
We believe this is another way to use access to water to be the hands and feet of Jesus. By meeting basic needs and addressing ongoing disease prevention, we can make a substantial difference in the quality of life in these villages. This work continues through the local church in East Africa and in the Name of Jesus.

The Vine-Haiti
This past week, The Vine hosted its annual Christmas Program outreach event for the community. This year, The Vine enjoyed hosting a record-breaking number of parents and community members, while celebrating the birth of Jesus. The children and staff at The Vine could share the Gospel with over one thousand people!
The Christmas Program is not the only way The Vine is breaking records. The Vine continues to grow, now serving 416 students; the Vine has grown twenty percent this year alone. Through this program, students receive a biblical-based education, but The Vine also provides a scholarship and nutrition program for students with needs. All students are well served and loved, allowing them to enjoy an environment where they can thrive.
Finally, we are excited to report that The Vine continues to work towards its self-sustainable growth plan, reaching 87% independence this year. As the Vine continues to flourish and grow despite the difficult circumstances in Haiti, the school continues to be a light, to not only the students who learn here, but also their families and community.

We have been blessed beyond measure in 2023 and have seen much accomplished in the U.S., East Africa, and Haiti. We cannot wait to see all God will do in this new year!
F4H Team