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December Newsletter

We are excited to continue updating you each month on the ministries of Foundations for Hope. A lot has happened in December! We have seen progress, prayers answered, and the faithfulness of God. Thank you once again for praying and joining us in this Gospel mission. 

The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti

The Vine is almost halfway through their school year! The students have completed their exams and received great results. Before they go on break, the Vine will have their annual Christmas party on December 22nd. Both the students and their parents will attend to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and many parents will hear the Gospel for the first time. Activities will include prayers, songs, sketches, eating, exchanging gifts, and more. The kids are already working on rehearsing their songs and performances.

Current Needs: 

  • Pray for the victims and families of the deadly gas truck explosion in Haiti this week. Pray for peace and comfort for the families who lost love ones and healing for those that were injured.
  • Pray for students and families as they celebrate Christmas and that parents and students would receive the hope of Jesus.

The Christian Resource Center—Ngora, Uganda

In our latest call with Revrend Odi, he shared that he and his wife Helen have selected the plot of land where the CRC will be constructed! They will be donating the land to the center. Together, we are working with our local council to incorporate the Christian Resource Center entity, and we are currently interviewing and selecting CRC board members. We are excited about this progress!

Current Needs: 

  • Pray for progress with funding and legal processes necessary for getting the center off the ground.
  • Pray for Martin as he finds board members for the CRC. Pray that the Lord would lead Martin to the right people and that he would already be moving in the hearts of these individuals and leading them to this role.

Agape Fellowship Center—Kenya

In last month’s newsletter we asked you to pray as the Agape team traveled to drill a well in West Pokot, Kenya. Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers! They hit water and the community now has a new well allowing them to access clean water. Pictured below are some children collecting water from the brand new well. Bishop Evans was also able to share the Gospel with the community at the well dedication!

Current Needs:

  • Pray that the new well in West Pokot would not only be a source of water, but a beginning of relationship with Jesus, who provides living water.
  • Pray for the upcoming well drill in Nguni, Kenya and that the drill team would find water.
  • Pray for the opening of the Kimana orphanage and for smooth government processes and inspections. Pray for the house moms and orphans who will be living there.

We are thankful for you and all our Foundations for Hope family!

The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

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