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April Newsletter

Over the next week, our U.S. leadership will travel to Kisumu, Kenya, to meet with our Foundations for Hope National Director, and our partners from Agape Fellowship Center. During this five-day leadership summit, time will be spent reflecting on all the Lord has accomplished this past year, and looking ahead to the plans He has given us for the future.

Our phase one Bible College and Spiritual Baseline Assessments will be the early focus of our meetings. Time spent reviewing these assessments will ensure the new Bible colleges are constructed within a timeline capable of meeting the demand created by our church planting program. The Summit will also give our leaders an opportunity to assess how we are empowering our local church partner. As one of our strategic pillars, we annually assess how we can continuously grow and improve, so we can support our partner in making the greatest Kingdom impact.

Finally, we will discuss ideas for collaboration with like-minded ministries, that are called to serve our Lord in East Africa. The Summit will conclude by assessing budgets, our near-term, five year, and ten year strategic plans.

We are thankful for this time to fellowship, pray, and reflect on our Lord’s goodness. We are grateful for the way we have seen our Father’s hand move over this past year, and the prayers that have accompanied it all. Please join us in praying for these meetings, and all involved in them!

Foundations for Hope 5K

It’s official, the Second Annual Foundations for Hope 5K will be held Saturday, October 7, 2023! Last year this event was a huge success, providing a way for families and friends to come together to make an eternal impact for the Kingdom! Because of last year’s event, ten villages across East Africa, will know the truth of Jesus Christ, and have access to clean water. Stay tuned for more details on how you can join us this year, and be a part of all that the Lord has planned through this event!


The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

We would love for you to join our prayer network in praying over specific needs in our ministries each week! Click the link below to sign up for our weekly prayer newsletter that includes a prayer list that can be printed out and placed on your desk or fridge.

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