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June Newsletter

Summer is upon us and the students at The Vine have begun their summer break. The Vine completed it’s 2023-24 school year with an overall student success rate of 96%. This average, well above the national average, has been accomplished in a year where most schools in Haiti were unable to open due to continued political unrest, rioting, and violence. In addition to education, The Vine remains a place where students can be cared for and nurtured, seek prayer, and participate in a nutrition program. Not only has the school successfully provided it’s students with a Christ-centered, biblical education, but it has continued to be a light to students and their community when most other aspects of life in Haiti continue to grow more difficult.

Despite the scarcity of many basic needs in Haiti, the Vine continues to focus on teaching it’s students that they can make a difference. Throughout the school year, students participated in community outreach activities, including visiting and serving in their local hospital, where they prayed with others and provided gifts such as cleaning supplies, to the administration. The Vine also continues to see its work with each student affect the student’s extended family. As students are introduced to the Gospel through Bible lessons and prayer, families have chosen to participate in similar activities through the local church.

The Vine aims to provide a holistic, Christ-centered education that nurtures every aspect of these young lives, so that these students will be empowered to fulfill their God-given purpose and make positive impacts on their communities.  Amid very difficult circumstances in Haiti, we celebrate the achievements of The Vine’s staff and students, and are grateful for the hand of protection and blessing God continues to provide to our Vine family.

Agape Fellowship Center-East Africa

This month, drilling of a new borehole began in the village of Apriki, Kenya. We are pleased to announce that the drill team has successfully struck water, and work has begun on the freshwater well. Discipleship groups have been launched within the community, and soon construction on the church will begin. A group from the U.S. will leave in August to serve this community, alongside Agape Fellowship, providing medical missions, a week of evangelism and worship, as well as participating in the dedication of the church and freshwater well. We ask that you pray God would be glorified in every aspect of this work, and that every soul that is served would come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

Meanwhile, construction continues on the Jesus Harvesters Agape Bible College, and enrollment will begin soon. This past week, a group of overseers from Agape Fellowship Center, led by Bishop Evans Achanga, spent time walking and praying over this facility, and everything we believe God will accomplish through it. We are excited to share more on it’s progress next month.

Thank you for your continued support in all that God is doing through Foundations for Hope and it’s partners. May God bless you this upcoming month. 


F4H Team

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