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June Newsletter

We are excited to share with you some of what happened in June at Foundations for Hope! Last month, we shared that our team was preparing to travel to Kenya, with 24 college students and leaders. This team had big plans, and great hope, for all that would be accomplished on this trip, and the Lord exceeded them all!

During the trip, our team served in multiple schools, led crusades in the surrounding communities, served students with special needs, remodeled a paralyzed man’s home, and finally built a home for a community member who was in need.

To accomplish all this, in just one week, took a very special group of young adults, working together, and willing to allow the Lord to use them for His work. We honor these students for dedicating the first part of their summer to sharing the love of their Savior, with those in need, and using their individual gifts and talents to spread the Gospel to all the world!

Although it is never about numbers, there is one number from this trip that we want to share with you, 426! During this trip, FOUR HUNDRED and TWENTY-SIX people prayed for salvation. That is 426 people who now know the hope that can only be found in Jesus. We know Heaven is rejoicing, and we are rejoicing, for we serve a mighty God. Please join us in praying for these new believers.

The Vine School- Haiti

The Vine is finishing its school year this week, and we want to congratulate every student on a successful year. The Vine has faced many obstacles this year, and is not only finishing it’s school year despite its challenges, but completing the academic year with a student success rate of 97%. The Vine remains well above the national average. We also want to congratulate the Vine staff and leadership on its continued discipleship of the young hearts and minds, that they have been given to steward. Last, as the Vine looks forward to its summer break, the staff is working to plan it’s first-ever Vacation Bible School, for students. Please join us in praying for this exciting event!


F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

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