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July Newsletter

This past month we were honored to welcome Bishop Evans Achanga and Pastor Simon Wesanza, from Kenya. These Agape leaders came together with thousands of pastors, from all over the world, to attend the Grow Leader Conference, hosted by Church of the Highlands. We are truly grateful for this time of prayer, worship, teaching, and fellowship, and believe God will use all that was done this week, to strengthen the Church and spread the Gospel.

While here, our partners also spent time meeting with Foundations for Hope Leadership, local leadership partners, such as Trussville Rotary Daybreak, and past mission trip volunteers.   We are encouraged by this time spent with Bishop Evans and Pastor Simon and look forward to visiting with them during the month of August to attend the Agape Fellowship Leadership Summit, in Kenya

Finally, on the last Sunday of their visit, Bishop Evans and Pastor Simon were able to visit with First Baptist Church Trussville. Bishop Evans was able to share with the congregation and encourage them in the ways their support has impacted the people Agape Fellowship has been called to serve.

We are praying for the Lord’s perfect plans and will, for these men, and this ministry. We cannot wait to have them back again!

The Vine School- Haiti

The Vine has officially ended another successful school year. Congratulations to every student and teacher! Thank you for your prayers and support for this ministry, and all the children and families it impacts. We want to share just a couple pictures from this month’s graduation.

Registration for the Second Annual Foundations for Hope 5K has now opened. Last year, we came together to raise funding for clean water in 10 villages in East Africa. Through the generous donations of our sponsors, and participant support, the life-giving resource of water, was made possible, as well as the ability to share the life-giving truth of Jesus Christ. We hope you will register to join us this year. Together we can make a difference and share the love of Jesus Christ. 

This year’s 5K will offer:
• Individual and team options.
• Prizes and giveaways
• Run/Walk 5K Event
• Fun for all

Register now through August 15th, and use code EARLY to save $5 off your early registration!

If you would like to volunteer on race day, opportunities are now available! You can sign up to run, walk, or volunteer, using the link below. We can’t wait to see you in October.


F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

We would love for you to join our prayer network in praying over specific needs in our ministries each week! Click the link below to sign up for our weekly prayer newsletter that includes a prayer list that can be printed out and placed on your desk or fridge.

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Donation Total: $1,000.00

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Donation Total: $1,000.00