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January Newsletter

This year is off to an amazing start, and we are grateful for the many ways we see God moving at Foundations for Hope, both in the efforts of our partners, and in the lives of the people we serve! This month, the first freshwater well of the year, in Asilong, Kenya, was opened. A friend who was in Asilong serving as the well was opened commented.

“There was no water for at least three miles. On Saturday, when the pump cut on, they were dancing, jumping, and gulping water. Seeing people and kids get clean water is one of the most powerful things I have ever seen, we have no idea what we take for granted. You see life come.”

We believe this community will forever be changed by the truth of God’s Word, and the people who gave their time, and resources to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Agape Fellowship Center Kenya

Our first mission team of the year will be leaving for Timale, Kenya, this month! We would love for you to be praying over their travels, the work they will do, and the communities they will serve. We will have members of F4H leaving on January 30th, to meet with the AFC leadership, as we look to scale our church planting program. A larger team will leave on February 4th, to complete the construction of a church, pastor training house, and freshwater well for the community. We ask that you pray the people of Timale will discover the hope found only in Jesus.

The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti

We are excited to share, despite all that has disrupted the lives of our friends in Haiti, The Vine has not only been off to a successful start to its school year, but was still able to host its annual Christmas Program. The Christmas Program provides a platform for the students to share what they are learning about Jesus and celebrate His love with their families and community. This year, The Vine hosted more than 600 guests at it’s Christmas Program! We are thankful for the continued work and dedication of the staff, and all who are involved in making The Vine a success.. As The Vine continues to grow, we ask that you pray for the Lord’s provision in the search for a new location that will allow the school to continue to meet the needs of it’s community.

The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

We would love for you to join our prayer network in praying over specific needs in our ministries each week! Click the link below to sign up for our weekly prayer newsletter that includes a prayer list that can be printed out and placed on your desk or fridge.

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