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February 2025 Mission Trip

DATES: February 22, 2025 – March 5, 2025

Trip is Full

Complete construction on a church building, pastoral house, and freshwater well in Kenya.  The mission team will have the opportunity to dedicate the well and church to the community.  Team members will provide construction assistance, share the gospel, pray, and build relationships with each other, and the local community.  Team members will attend local worship and church services.  Day off will include a safari experience and a trip to local markets.

October 2025: Foundations for Hope 5K

Date: 2025-10-25

DATE: October 25, 2025

Registration Opens March 27, 2025. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

The GOAL of the Foundations For Hope 5K is to Advance the Gospel by empowering the local church, investing in individuals, providing critical resources, and equipping Christian leaders.  This year’s 5K will support a combination of these efforts, through the local church in East Africa, by providing communities with Christian leaders, churches, clean water, and medicine.  Join us for a great event and be part of a generation being changed by the love of Jesus.

Past Events:

May 2024 Mission Trip: College Student Trip

College-age students had the opportunity to show the love of God, by serving a local community and school through evangelism, mercy/compassion projects, and local youth events.  We believe this trip impacted a future generation here and in East Africa.

August 2024 Mission Trip

Thanks to the generous support and donations from last year’s 5K, our mission team was able to complete construction on the church, pastor house and water well in Apriki Kenya.  We were able to see God move in Apriki with 1,442 people treated at the medical tent, 863 came to know the Lord as their Savior, and 33 people were baptized.


February 2024 Mission Trip: Katilisha, Kenya

Foundations for Hope and Life in Christ Church, Marion, Kentucky, partnered with Agape Fellowship Center, Kenya, to bring the hope of Christ to the community of Katilisha, Kenya. Throughout the week, we worked to advance the Gospel through our four pillars.

Thanks to the generous donations of Life in Christ Church, this community will be provided with a new church, pastor house, full-time pastor, and clean water. The new church will be furnished with Bibles, chairs, and a sound system.

2023 Foundations for Hope 5K

The GOAL of the Foundations For Hope 5K is to provide clean drinking water to underserved communities in Kenya and provide protection from preventable disease while empowering the witness of the local church.

Thank you to this year’s sponsors:

May 2023 Mission Trip: College Students

College students + The Great Commission! This group will serve Ivona + Bukulunya Primary Schools with a combined enrollment of 1,200. Service opportunities will include leading small group discussions and school assemblies on spiritual growth, knowledge of God, purity, living for God, effects of drugs and substance abuse, and the importance of the Bible. The group will show the compassion and mercy of Jesus at Madegwa Special School. In addition, they will help lead crusades, do community service projects, and do the work of evangelism in the community. The trip will include a safari experience and a trip to local markets.

February 2023 Mission Trip: Timale, Kenya

Complete construction on a church building, pastoral house, and freshwater well in Timale, Kenya. The mission team will have the opportunity to dedicate the well and church to the community. Team members will provide construction assistance, share the gospel, pray, and build relationships with each other, and the local community.  Team members will attend local worship and church services. Day off will include a safari experience and a trip to local markets.

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Donation Total: $1,000.00

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Donation Total: $1,000.00