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East Africa

We believe by following the model of Jesus, we can advance the Gospel by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those we seek to serve. Once we have met the physical, we will invest in each individual through the teaching of God’s Word, discipleship, and the community found within the local church. We will provide workers for the harvest by training biblically educated pastors with a holistic approach to ministry and leadership.

Our four strategic pillars of service provide the ability to replicate, scale, and sustain the mission of advancing the Gospel.

Equipping Christian Leaders

“The church is not prepared or equipped for this great movement.”

Foundations for Hope believes the local Christian Church should be used to spread the Gospel throughout the world. Currently, Africa has the largest Christian movement in the world. With a population of 1.3 billion, including 630 million Christians and 700 million non-believers.

Foundations for Hope has partnered with Agape Fellowship Center to build three new Pastor Training Facilities believing that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. We believe by providing holistic training and biblical education, we can help equip pastors and Christian leaders to answer the call of the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and share the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

The Bible College- Western & Southern Campuses

Foundations for Hope is excited to announce that as part of our East Africa Church Planting Program, we have partnered with Agape Fellowship Center to expand its Jesus Harvesters Bible College. By adding three new Pastor Training Facilities throughout East Africa, we will focus on training local church leadership, making a generational investment in the work God is doing in Africa. These centers will each train up to 120 pastors per year and serve as an ongoing resource for past students.

Total Project Expenses: $1,422,819

Focused on teaching, coaching, mentoring, observing, and certifying those who qualify

Training facility that will provide short-term housing, reference library, and multiple digital resources


Raised: $558,819  Goal: $1,422,819

Empowering the Local Church

“We believe that local church leadership is best positioned to minister to their communities in relevant and meaningful ways, and our role is to help provide resources to meet their needs.”

At Foundations for Hope, we believe church planting is the most powerful strategy for advancing the gospel in developing regions. Establishing local churches strengthens discipleship and the long-term stability of an emerging Christian community.

While church planting is at the center of our missional focus, our partnership with local churches has extended in many directions as local leaders have shared about the challenges and opportunities present in their areas.

2025 East Africa Church Plants

Foundations for Hope is excited to announce we have partnered with a local church, Agape Fellowship Center, to plant churches in communities across East Africa. By empowering local leaders to new works, we are confident the Gospel will advance and new believers will grow into mature believers. Each church plant will include three strategic site surveys, property, chapel construction, pastoral house, 100 Bibles, 100 seats, and a sound system.

Total Project Expenses: $140,000

Strategically placed locations addressing the travel challenges of new believers while granting an audience with those who have not yet come to faith

Construction plans that facilitate greater community interaction and opportunity for continued growth


Raised: $35,941  Goal: $140,000

Providing critical resources

Access to clean water is vital to the wellness of any community, and developing clean water wells is at the heart of our desire to meet both the spiritual and health needs of those we serve.

According to the World Health Organization, 785 million people lack a basic drinking-water service, including 144 million people who are dependent on surface water.

Globally, at least 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with faecets.

Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. In lesser developed countries, 22% of health care facilities have no water service, 21% no sanitation service, and 22% no waste management service.

2025 Kenyan Clean Water Wells

Foundations for Hope is currently working to provide clean water wells throughout Kenya. The cost of clean water in these areas is cost prohibitive for the majority of families, and available water sources are contaminated. By providing clean water, we will be protecting numerous families from preventable diseases while empowering the witness of the local church.

Total Project Expenses: $85,000

Strategically placed locations addressing the travel challenges of new believers while granting an audience with those who have not yet come to faith

Construction plans that facilitate greater community interaction and opportunity for continued growth


Raised: $15,086  Goal: $85,000

Investing In Individuals

We believe each individual is valuable to God and created with a unique purpose. For this reason, we work to invest in each person within the communities we serve.

We focus on the areas of discipleship, health, education, and sanitation to strengthen the individual. By using a focused discipleship plan, which includes a scalable volunteer ministry, our goal is to help each person understand their value and role within God’s Kingdom.

In addition to investing in the spiritual health of those we serve, as we enter a village, we will provide medical attention while implementing an education and sanitation plan.

2025 Discipleship and Wellness Projects

Each village we enter will have a trained Discipleship Coordinator enter and launch a structured discipleship education program. This program is designed to have an impact within a village setting, be scaled, and replicated. In addition to the discipleship efforts, the coordinator will teach health and wellness practices, while assisting the community in changes to ensure best health practices.

Total Project Expenses: $38,000

Focused on launching a structured discipleship education program in each village we enter.

In addition to discipleship, teaching health and wellness practices to ensure better health in the communities

Raised: $0  Goal: $38,000

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Donation Total: $1,000.00

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Donation Total: $1,000.00