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December Newsletter

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas enjoying time with loved ones and celebrating the miracle that is the birth of Jesus. As the year comes to a close and we anticipate all that is to come in 2023, we want to praise our Lord and reflect on all God has accomplished through Foundations for Hope. By remembering what He has already done, we fuel our faith for all that is ahead. 

Psalm 77:11-12
I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds.

2022 Recap

This year, F4H traveled on two mission trips to East Africa, visiting Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan. During these trips, we met with partners to lay the foundation for future growth, completed construction on a new church, dedicated a clean water well, and provided much needed medical care. Most importantly, we had the privilege to share the Gospel. We know God will use these efforts to impact thousands of lives for years to come and we want to celebrate the 161 decisions that were made for Christ on our last trip.

Twenty twenty-two also held the first annual Foundations for Hope 5K. Through this event, over $85,000 was raised for clean water wells in East Africa! Because of these efforts, the critical resource of clean water will be provided to new villages in 2023 and the Good News of Jesus will be shared. It is through God’s grace that such an impact can be made, and we are already praying over the souls that will be saved.

Throughout this year, our F4H family has continued to grow. In 2022, we were joined by countless volunteers and generous donors. New people were called to missions, and we welcomed two new board members. We are grateful to each of you for your willingness to serve God’s kingdom.

The Vine School—Petit-Goave, Haiti
This summer, the Vine finished the 21-22 school year with success, boasting a 94% passing rate. The 2022-23 school year has now begun, and The Vine continues to thrive with passing requirements 20% higher than the country’s standards, all while providing student led chapel services and a nurturing environment. The Vine also works to spread the Gospel to the Petit-Goave community through outreach and student programs. Through your generous donations to the Nutrition Program Fund, students continue to receive two nutritious meals a day while attending school.

Agape Fellowship Center—Kenya
In 2022, F4H was able to partner with Agape Fellowship to expand the church in Kenya, by helping to fund new church construction. New church locations are equipped with everything needed to provide a space for believers to gather and worship, and for unbelievers to hear the truth of Jesus.

In addition, we were able to partner with Agape Fellowship, to identify communities where clean water was needed and could make the greatest impact for the Kingdom. Through these efforts, countless individuals were given access to clean water while hearing the Good News of Jesus. We are thankful to continue to partner with Agape in the upcoming year.

We wish we could share every individual’s story and the faces that come to mind as we look back on 2022. Seeing new believers come to know our Lord has made this year a success. It has been amazing serving with each of you as we answer the call to spread the Gospel to all the earth! Your efforts have made a difference and we cannot wait to see all the Lord will do in 2023!

The F4H Team

Prayer Ministry

We would love for you to join our prayer network in praying over specific needs in our ministries each week! Click the link below to sign up for our weekly prayer newsletter that includes a prayer list that can be printed out and placed on your desk or fridge.

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Donation Total: $1,000.00