During the month of August, our leadership traveled to Kenya, to attend the Agape Fellowship Leadership Summit. The Summit was attended by 363 leaders, representing 58 different Agape churches. During this time, pastors were able to spend time together, and be ministered to, all while receiving fresh vision for their church’s future.
We were grateful to be invited to speak at the conference, and share what God has placed on our hearts, for the work that will be done alongside this ministry. In addition to spending time with leadership, and addressing the conference, we were able to sign an official Memorandum of Understanding, in the presence of Agape’s leaders and National Council. The agreement, reflects both of our organizations’ commitment to the partnership we are entering, to advance the Gospel in East Africa
While in Kenya, we also toured potential sites for the first Bible College, and discussed the next villages to be served through this program. Finally, we are excited to announce we have been able to complete 600 household assessments, in 60 villages, throughout Kenya, and will conduct more in September.

The Vine School- Haiti
We are excited to share, The Vine has finished its 2022-23 school year, with a 97% graduation rate. This continues to place The Vine, and its’ students, well above the national average. We are proud of the hard work and dedication of each student and staff member. Congratulations on another successful year!

As summer draws to a close, we look back, thankful for all the Lord has done this summer, all while looking forward to an exciting fall.
Registration for the Second Annual Foundations for Hope 5K, has now opened. Last year, we came together to raise funding for clean water in 10 villages, in East Africa. Through the generous donations of our sponsors, and participant support, the life-giving resource of water, was made possible, as well as the ability to share the life-giving truth of Jesus Christ.
This year’s 5K will offer:
• Individual and team options.
• Prizes and giveaways
• Run/Walk 5K Event
• Fun for all
We need you, and together we can make a difference! You can sign up to run, walk, or volunteer, using the link below. We can’t wait to see you in October.
F4H Team